Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Dinner club for May--Our house, our menu

We meet with two other friend couples every other month for Dinner Club. Whoever hosts chooses the menu and assigns dishes for others to bring. Usually the hosts make the main dish and the dessert. This time around we chose tofu something, tart thing, salad and dessert.

The evening started out unfortunately, when I accidentally dropped a glass of water and it shattered/splashed all over Jay. Thankfully he wasn't impaled or hurt, but I felt embarrased for the rest of the night.

The tofu starter had mixed reviews. Jeremy loved it, while I thought it was weird. We both liked the salad (very refreshing) and veggie tart, although the cheese didn't melt on the top--it just formed this line of cheese-ness. (Not a problem for anyone except Julie...I have cheese texture issues.)

No photos of dessert--lemon poof cake, which was gooey and sad. The crust was an inch thick and chewy and not pleasant. (Julie's memory here is vastly exagerating the unfortunatenes of the lemon tart. The crust, while thicker and denser than it should have been, was a scant quarter inch, and while the filling was overly meranguey the flavor was good. -- Jeremy)

Thankfully, the drinks won the spotlight. Boulevard Wheat beer--great for summer---light, flavorful and perfect with a lemon wedge. Framboise Lambic raspberry beer--almost wine-like in its crisp fruity-ness. Fabulous!

Both the Bogle Chardonnay and the Penfolds Cabernet tasted great.
Both Bogle and Penfolds are wonderful wines for the price---under $9 a bottle, so dependable and full-flavored. I've never had a Bogle wine that I didn't like. Our friend, Monique, brought over Penfolds a few years ago and ever since then its one of the wines I choose to bring to other people's houses, just because I know it's going to be good.

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