Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Mushroom pasta and Rex Goliath Chardonnay

We eat a lot of pasta in this house. It's fast and easy, and usually serves a good way to use up vegetables on the brink of going bendy or brown. In this version, we used whole wheat linguini with sauteed onion (1 chopped), garlic (4-6 cloves, chopped), mushrooms (about 1-2 cups chopped), asparagus (one bunch broken into one inch pieces) and grated cheese.
Salad is greens with pinenuts and our homemade dressing. (Mix 1-3 T mustard, 1 minced clove of garlic, a 3 to 1 ratio of any type of vinegar or acidic fruit juice to olive oil. Shake well and store in the frig.)
Rex Goliath is another solid wine. It's cheap (usually less than $7 a bottle), decent in either the reds or the whites and doesn't seem to go bad if you keep it for a while. (I had a white for at least three years and it still tasted fine.) Again, it's not a show stopper, but it's a great bargain. Plus there's a rooster on the label! I love chickens! (By the way, I'm one of those hopeless schmucks who base 45% of my wine decision making on the label design. Fifty percent is the price and the other 5% is any suggestions by the store or magazines. I love graphics and a good label can make me buy even the crappiest wine. At least once. And then I learn.....until the next time.)

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