Saturday, July 7, 2007

Strawberry jam and hot pepper jelly

In case you haven't noticed, it's jam season. Damn! I love jam.
Last month I tried this recipe for Double Hot Pepper Jelly. I have complaints. Most recipes call for sweet peppers, which I tried to avoid, but in hindsight, I would totally use bell peppers instead of all of the damn sugar.
I doubled the amount of chiles, but it still wasnt enough...there were just a sprinkling of chilies among this vast sea of sugar.
Plus, the recipe called for two pouches of pectin. Huge mistake! The jelly morphed into this hard ectoplasm, instead of delicious, slightly soft jelly.
It's not bad, especially on egg sandwiches and I've heard that it's good when eaten the Minnesotan way (crackers covered in cream cheese with hot pepper jelly dropped on top....makes me want to cry and puke at the same time when I think about it.)
Next time = more peppers, less sugar, less pectin.

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